Crew Management
- The following fields in the crew profile are restricted as follow:
- Bank Account Number, IBAN Number and Bank SWIFT Code can only contain numbers and alphabets.
- Bank ABA Routing Number, Bank ACH Routing Number, Bank Wire Routing Number, Bank Sort Code and Intermediary/Correspondent Bank ABA Routing can only contain numbers.
- The crew profile contains a new field in the Employment tab called Employer. The list of Employers can be managed by the fleet user using the “Administration > Employers” page in the crew module.
- If the Payroll Module is active in the sub account, the Salary and the Payroll Number fields in the crew profile will become required fields.
- Added the ability to define multiple salary changes to the crew profile when the payroll module is enabled. Previously, only one salary change can be defined in the system
Crew Planner
- Added Position ID column to the Crew Planner view and Crew Planner Calendar View so that the data can be filtered and sorted by that column.
- The system will not auto sign the Hour of Rest record for the crew if the crew is onboard for one or more days during the month.
- The crew planner activation page contains a new setting called “Leave Unused Threshold”. If the crew’s Leave Unused is greater than this number, it will be highlighted in the Crew Planner Statistic report.
- The crew planner activation page contains a new setting called “Annual Leave Type Setting”. This setting determines how the leave amount accrued per day should be calculated for the Annual leave type.
- The crew planner activation page contains a new setting called “Monthly Leave Type Setting”. This setting determines how the leave amount accrued per day should be calculated for the Monthly leave type on the month the crew joins and leaves the vessel.
- The crew planner administrator contains new privileges:
- Can Edit Crew Planner Start Date
- Can Edit Leave Type
- Can Edit Employment Anniversary
- Can Edit Leave Carried Over
- Can edit Leave Unused to be Carried Over
- Can Edit Allocated Flight
- Can Delete Status Change
- Can Add Attachments to Status Change.
- The first date and the last date in the Status Change can be marked as Half Day. When marked as half day, half of the Leave Accrued and the Leave Used for that day is taken from the old status and another half from the new status.
- The Crew Planner Calendar View can be highlighted with important dates. To manage the important dates, click the “… > Manage Important Dates” menu. The important date can be specified for a specific crew or for all crew within the sub account. In case of any conflict, the color of the important date for specific crew will take precedence over the color of the important date for all crew and the color of the status change. And the coloring for the status change will take precedence over the important date for all crew.
- The crew editor will now prompt the user whether to preserve or archive the crew planner data and settings when the crew status is changed from inactive status to an active one. This is useful if the crew profile is marked as inactive by accident.
- A new system report called “Crew Status History” was added. This report can show crew status history for a specific crew by a date range.
- A new system report called “Leave Summary” was added. This report show Days Active, Total Days Onboard, Total Days Not Onboard and the break down of total days for each crew status.
- The crew planner administrator can specify Use Flight that is greater than the available flights while editing a status change request (please note that the crew member cannot specify Use Flight that is greater than the available flights while creating or editing his/her own status change request). If the flight used is greater than the allocated flights, the exclamation mark is displayed in the allocated flights widget in the crew detail page.
- The allocated flight widget in the status change request editor will now show the number of available flights. If the status change request’s date range spans more than one anniversary dates, it will combine the available flights from multiple years. The calculation will even includes the anniversary date that falls into the future.
- Added a checkbox to show only history when status changes in the Crew Planner tab in the Crew Detail view. This feature made it easier to see the days when the crew status is changed.
- Added Position ID column to the tables in the Payroll Detail view so that the data can be sorted by that column.
- The records in the Payroll Detail view can now be filtered by the Payroll Number.
- The Currency filter dropdown in the Payroll Detail view is now a multi values dropdown. The user can filter the records by one or more currencies simultaneously.
- An attachment for the payroll record can be linked to specific tab and even to a specific column in the tab.
- When exported to Excel, any days or salary that were rolled over from the previous month for the new joiner will be displayed into separate columns.
- Added the ability to remove a crew from the Joiners and Leavers tab in the Payroll Detail view. When removed, the payroll information for this crew will roll over to the next month payroll.
- Added “Leave Adjustment” and “Notice Adjustment” columns to the Leavers tab in the Payroll Detail. The payroll administrator can edit the values in these two columns.
- Added the ability to select the formula to calculate the Input Salary for the month when the crew only work for part of the month or the salary type is Daily. This setting is available in the Payroll Activation page. The options are:
- Number of Paid Days * Daily Rate
- Salary for the Month - (Number of Unpaid Days * Daily Rate)
- Added the ability for the user and crew to add a digital signature into their account. The digital signature can be managed by clicking the “Avatar icon > My Signature” menu item.
- Added the ability to enable digital signature on the form template. When enabled, the signature pad in the form instance will be replaced with “Click to Sign” button and the crew’s or user’s digital signature will be used in the form.
- Fixed the issues where the page can be slow to load while in the offline mode and the internet connection is not available. This was because some fonts and images were loaded from the internet. Now, all fonts and images are made available locally while in the offline mode.
Updated Support Videos
How to Enable Digital Signature
How to Use Digital Signature for Forms
How to Create Personal Digital Signatures
Crew Planner Module (Fleet)
Crew Planner Module (Sub-Account)
Payroll Module (Fleet)
Payroll Module (Sub-Account)
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